3 Simple Ways You Can Be Less Gringo (And More Brazilian)

We need to face this reality hard and fast. We are gringos.

If you already understand that this word is used in Brazil much different than other parts of Latin America, you are ready to take the next step.

On the other hand, if you are still hung up on this word being offensive, then you have a longer way to go than simply heeding the advice of this video. You should probably read this post to get a better grasp of how this word is used (jump to number twelve if you want an immediate idea).

How do they know, caralho?

Brazilians know we are gringos in a heartbeat, whether it's our Portuguese proficiency, our physiological differences, the way we dress, or something else. So, what are we going to do about it?

I'm one of those guys that is constantly observing what the host culture is doing. I'm looking for trends, patterns, slang, and anything else I can pick up on that let's me draw nearer to being more like them.

In this case, I want to be more quase brasileiro... or as I like to say, quaseleiro. This video draws on the idea that you want to be more Brazilian, like I do, and offers you 3 great tips do get there.

If you don't, and you like living in the grumpy-pants world of constant comparisons and misunderstandings about why they are the way they are, then you can skip straight to the comments and remind me that this is all a waste of time.

Be sure to leave a comment and tell me what you think about my tips, and if you've got some insight for other gringos, throw 'em at us, porra!

If you like what you saw, share the video or this post and let me know it made you giggle.

Até mais, amigão!

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